We’ve officially passed 500 listens!
To mark this occasion and continue trying to grow our audience, we’re going to be giving away a T-shirt (design below, black t-shirt) to a lucky fan! This will be the first ever piece of Hart Beat Podcast merch, and we're only going to make one of them, so don't miss out!
The rules of the contest are as follows:
Give us a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts
Email a screenshot of the review to hartbeatpodcast@gmail.com
Post on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram and tag us in it
Do this by November 7th to be entered into the contest
That’s it!
Here are some instructions on how to rate us on Apple Podcasts and compete in the contest. You can do this even if you don’t use apple products, you just have to create an Apple ID (which is free to make). If you have already rated us on iTunes, send us a screenshot of the review you have already done to be entered.
Open iTunes in your browser.
Navigate to the iTunes Store either through the button in the upper right corner or in the menu bar.
Click in the search box, type in Hart Beat Podcast, and hit Enter.
Click on the Hart Beat Podcast logo under Podcasts.
Click Ratings and Reviews just above the show description and below the show name in the middle.
Click Write a Review.
If you don’t have an Apple ID, you can create one now.
Enter a name to be displayed with your review if prompted
Enter the review title and content. Write what you feel: your favorite parts of the podcast, your favorite actors, a description of your pet.
Select 5 stars
Screen shot/take a photo of the review, and email to hartbeatpodcast@gmail.com along with your social media handle you'll be tagging us under
Click Submit! The review may not show up right away
Don't forget to tag us in a tweet, facebook post, or instagram post!
